Sunday 15 August 2010

Happy Chinese Valentine's Day!

According to the Chinese legend, the 7th evening of July (in the lunar calendar) is the Chinese Valentine's Day (七夕情人節: qīxì qíngrénjié ; literally qīxì means " the 7th evening of the 7th lunar month" and qíngrénjié means "lover's day"). So, HAPPY CHINESE VALENTINE'S DAY, EVERYONE! It is on 16-Aug this year due to solar calendar!
And actually there is an old love story for this day that is about the 7th daughter of "Emperor of Heaven" (玉皇大帝:Yùhuángdàdì) called "Weaving Maid" (織女:Zhīnǔ) and an orphaned "cowherd" (牛郎:Niúláng). In fact, you can guess what they do or what they are good at from their names.
"Weaving Maid" (織女:Zhīnǔ) is good at handcrafting, especially weaving clothing. The Emperor likes her skill to weave rainbows and clouds to beautify the world. "Cowherd" (牛郎:Niúláng) is a poor orphaned boy living with his elder brother and sister-in-law. His brother inherited the land and house after their parents passed away. Poor "Cowherd" only owned an old ox and need to work on the farm with it everyday. So he took very good care of that old ox.
One day, when Cowherd rested under the tree after the farm work, he glimpsed at many beautiful fairies taking a river bath. It was love at the first sight when he saw "Weaving Maid". To repay Cowherd's kindness, the old ox helped Cowherd get to know the beautiful Weaving Maid. They fell in love and Weaving Maid broke the rules to marry an ordinary person on the earth.
Their happy life didn't last long until the Emperor of Heaven knew his beloved daughter broke the rules of Heaven and separated them. The 7th daughter was forced to move to the star Vega and the Cowherd moved to the star Altair. Unfortunately, they are allowed to meet only once a year on the day of 7th day of 7th lunar month. It is a sad love story indeed.
Nowadays, people in love like to go to the temple of Matchmaker and pray for their love and the possible marriage on this day. People still single will do the same thing to ask their luck of love in the Matchmaker temple.
For me, it would be great to have somebody special around to spend this day with but being single and remembered by friends and patient for the right one is more important. People need to learn to get along with ourselves first, so we can get along with the others. Simple philosophy but difficult to put into practice sometimes.

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