Wednesday 14 July 2010

Mandarin Activity Day @ Hayesfield

Happily dressed in the Chinese traditional dress - 旗袍 qipao with my classic Asian "Victory" gesture. Yes, I'm ready for the activity day! Gonna do my best and hope for the best! Hopefully, my pupils would like the class I gonna share with them later...

We had 5 different activities going on that day - Mandarin Language, Calligraphy, Ta-Chi, Chinese Arts, and Cooking. I started with greeting and very short self-introduction in Chinese to demonstrate what pupils would have learned today. Then I repeated it again with hand gestures and asked pupils to guess what did say. During the language session, I also taught them to pronounce and recognize 4 tones right. Then it was ended with tongue twister and short greetings. At some point, I didn't completely finish my lesson because I was stopped to answer several questions. That brought me an idea that, I shall just prepare 35-min lesson for the 45-min session. Then I keep the other 10 min flexible to answer pupil's questions or to make a pause and check if they can understand me.

The calligraphy teacher, Xiaoye, and I just finished the sessions and had a cider together @ Green Park on our way to the town. We both got a bit tipsy and found it was not clever to have a cider in the late-afternoon time....especially when the tummy is empty :P

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