Monday 19 July 2010

Fun with the YOUNG kids @ Bath Chinese School

Gosh....that was my first time teaching such a YOUNG group of kids - 4 to 5 years old! All the sudden, my 4-year language teaching experience seem useless when it comes to the littles. I spent hours imagining what it might be when teaching them. Could they understand me well? Shall I speak more English than Chinese since they are complete beginners or shall I just try to expose them to Chinese as much as possible. There is no definite answer because of too many variables! So I decided to do my best to bring more fun to the class even I reckon myself not that kind of "hilarious" teacher.

I left my house one hour earlier before the class, spent 15 mins on traffic, and another 45 mins on relocating and finding the school. Obviously, the GPS of my new mobile doesn't change a fact that I have a terrible sense of direction. Eventually, I was picked by one of the parents on the way to the primary....

I was received by very friendly teachers, Tao and Zheng, who have been helping the Mandarin teaching at school for a long while. Their hospitality really eased my nerves and many thanks to Ellen and Zhong tried to help me settle chairs, desks, and so on. As time passed by, more and more kids arrived.

1,2,3,4....there were 6 kids in my class that day. To begin the class, I introduced myself and ask them to remember my name. (okay, sort of forcing them to say "ttyyyy" whenever they hear I say" Beeeee") It is very important to get their attention if the class start losing control. Actually I was thinking of the chant "Do Re Mi", when I say "Do Re", the kids have to say "Mi". However, I didn't try eventually because I don't know if those kids would get my "Do Re Mi" or not (based on the English context). Maybe shall try next time to find out?

Cannot update the photos of kids without the approval of their parents, instead, here comes mine - SUPER BIG kid! :P

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